Friday, August 20, 2010

YUMMY BUTTERNUT SQUASH -Straight from our garden :)

I made this recipe this afternoon for the first time and also with the first squash from our garden, it was simply delicious! And also very easy to make.

Enjoy it!

How To Cook Butternut Squash: Wash and peel squash

Step 1: Wash and peel squash

Wash and peel your butternut squash with a vegetable peeler. Remove any seeds.

Your squash should have a matte skin. If it’s glossy it was picked too early.

How To Cook Butternut Squash: Cube squash

Step 2: Cube squash

Cube your squash, cutting squares about ¾ of an inch big.

How To Cook Butternut Squash: Sautee squash

Step 3: Sautee squash

Melt butter in a large skillet. Add the squash and saute it, stirring occasionally until it’s browned, for about 15 minutes.

The sauteed squash should be tender enough to pierce with a fork.

How To Cook Butternut Squash: Add remaining ingredients and caramelize

Step 4: Add remaining ingredients and caramelize

Add the chicken broth, water, and brown sugar. Cook until the liquid is gone and the squash is caramelized, for about 6 minutes.

How To Cook Butternut Squash: Salt and pepper

Step 5: Salt and pepper

Remove your squash from the heat and add salt and pepper. Not only is this side dish tasty, it’s got lots of nutrients for a healthy you.

Summer squash has a soft edible shell or skin and winter squash has a hard shell or skin.

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